Quick Fix French! Learn the essentials of the French language, explained in simple terms that will have you creating your own sentences in minutes. For this post, I have selected 2 grammar topics for beginners and 1 bonus for improvers, meaning that you’ll get a great tip no matter your level.
Read moreBehind the Scenes of Fluent's first Online Course: French Grammar for Beginners
I'm very excited today as I finally get to write to you blog folks about my new online course. Its subject is French Grammar - the full thing covering everything students need to complete level A1.
This awesome course contains 15 video lectures, documentation, quizzes and a certificate at the end - a full package which would cost you hundreds in personal tuition, but is on sale for $75. You can register for a place on French Grammar for Beginners today at the special rate of just $35 - this expires on 31 January.
In today's blog post I'd like to tell you how and why the course came into being.
Why make an online course?
French Grammar for Beginners is a new venture, which my longest-standing readers may know as what started out being French on a Windowsill. I would grab my laptop and record my own explanations of grammar, using the best grammar book I know as an inspiration. In these video lessons, I combined my teaching experience with my own memories of learning French. The idea was to give simple examples and make sense of grammar in a way that everyone can understand.
French on a Windowsill was great. The videos on YouTube received excellent feedback, my favourite of all being a simple:
You are AWESOME.
This stuff felt great, but I strongly believed that I could offer students a better product, and not at private tuition prices. Last year I started investigating how I could turn French on a Windowsill into a full-on English course. I considered selling the videos on my online shop along with supporting materials, or teaching them as a series of webinars, but none of these offered my learners the great interface, fast download speeds and easy access that I wanted them to have.
Eventually, I came across Udemy. The website is a modern marketplace for online courses and allowed me all the things I wanted to offer, like:
- Mobile apps so learners can watch my videos wherever they are
- A choice of watching the videos online or downloading them
- The option of offering you quizzes and progress reports
- A forum for student questions, which I can respond to publicly
So last year I started working on creating this new version of French on a Windowsill. I recorded two extra lectures to make a full A1 level grammar course complete, I added transcripts and exercises and uploaded all my videos to Udemy. There is also a new intro video, which I will share with you in today's post.
French Grammar for Beginners was complete - my first online course!
Why is it important to learn as part of a community, even online?
1) Groups keep you coming back
Learning is one of the many things in life that are more fun when they are shared, and many students start making friends on forums and courses which keep them coming back, talking about the subject and ultimately succeeding at their missions.
2) You're going public
Think about the last time you endeavoured to make a big change, like following an exercise routine or cutting Facebook time out of your day. Did you enlist others on your journey or perhaps even
3) More answers means better answers
The internet is built on collective knowledge - it's democratic, and you can benefit from this every day. A question asked or experience shared in a course like French Grammar for Beginners can be viewed and answered by everyone on the course and just like on Quora this has the potential to give you access to the best and brightest learners and teachers, anytime.
So, here's my conclusion:
The combination of community and learning at your own convenience was the perfect way of showing you how online learning is changing the world. It used to be a privilege for scholars at Harvard and Cambridge, but now online learning is bringing in a new age.
How you can study on French Grammar for Beginners
Guys, I hope I've shared my reasons and also ignited your understanding of how online courses can help you learn a language at really great value. For just $75, French Grammar for Beginners features
- 15 video lectures with tables and documentation for downloading
- Revision quizzes to test yourself
- Great mobile learning through the iPad and iPhone apps
- Support from me - I am checking this course regularly and personally responding to student queries
Here's the special offer for you
French Grammar for Beginners will be available with at a price of just $39 all January (standard price $75). Yes, for one more week only. This is less than the price of a single language lesson and a discount for only 50 learners. Just click and have a look around Udemy to see the video intro and free preview lectures.
I'm a learner on Udemy myself, by the way. To preview own course and find out which classes I am taking online, please check out my Udemy profile.
Fellow language learning bloggers: If you would like to promote this course while earning as an affiliate, you can send me a quick email today and I'll provide further details.
French for Beginners: The Partitif
Hello online French learners! Welcome back to the new French on a Windowsill lesson. This time, I've taken the "partitif" and explained it for you. Don't worry - I didn't know it was called that either. In simple words, learning the partitif will teach you how to use de (of).
Watch the Video first
So, just to recap:
There are two types of uses of "de".
- After a quantifier - then it's just "de"
Examples of Quantifiers can be: un kilo, deux pots, 100 grammes, assez, beaucoup, peu...anything that gives you an indication of how much you have. - Without a quantifier - then it changes and becomes a contracted article
Use this Printable Sheet for your notes
Hope you enjoyed today's lesson again, and let me have your thoughts guys. I always look forward to hearing from you!
French for Beginners: Negation (How to say No)
Hello everybody, I hope you're having a lovely day and you are getting comfortable for the next instalment of French on a Windowsill. Here we are at episode 6! How have you liked the grammar hints so far? Is there anything you would like me to cover in the next video?
Today, the little grammar course covers the topic of negation, meaning how to say not, no longer and never. Let's get watching:
Here are some of your reference materials:
When you use the negation in a sentence, just follow this pattern:
SUBJECT + ne + VERB + pas/plus/jamais + ANYTHING ELSE
Je ne travaille pas à Londres. (I don't work in London).
Alexandre ne sort jamais. (Alexandre never goes out.)
Il n'y a plus de pain. (There is no more bread.)
These are the three main forms of negation in French.
French for Beginners: Regular Verbs
This post contains the video and reference materials for French on a Windowsill Ep. 05: The one about regular verbs. All standard conjugations are covered. Enjoy!
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